Sunday, May 6, 2007


Time is such a weird thing to spend time thinking about. But with seniors moving on and life progressing, it's something on my mind.

But really, what I'm thinking about is time in reference to God. It boggles my mind to think of God as unchanging, even though I know He is. To think that the God I talk to everyday is the same God who created Adam and Eve, the same God who talk Noah to build the ark, the same God who all the prophets talked to in their prayers, and the list goes on. And then to think that God will be the same when I'm old and gray and still struggling through life; He'll be the same God with the same ultimate wisdom and guidance for my life that He has now. Granted, my relationship should most definitely change as I grow closer to God. However, who God is will stay the same, and only my knowledge of God and His will grows larger. Like a masterpiece of art that's on display, but covered up by a large cloth; and each day of my life I pull on the cloth to see a little more of the work behind it.

That truth of God's perfect, unchanging nature, is so reassuring that it overwhelms me. To know that whoever enters or leaves my life, God will be there the same way He always was and always is. God is just so good...

1 comment:

Jon said...

Hello AJ,

Thanks for your thoughts about time! I love your deep thoughts. You inspire me.

Hey, I am "tagging" you. Don't worry, it's a good thing. You have to go to my blog and find out what a "tag" is all about, then follow the directions.
