Wednesday, May 2, 2007


so...i suppose no one reads this and thus no one cares, but i'm going to describe my name so as to clarify what it means and such.

basically, i was doing the whole "what kind of classy 'describe myself in a simple way that sounds sophisticated' name could i use", and it made me think about our identity as humans. so to start, Adelphos is Ancient Greek for 'brother', the kind of brother as in 'fellow Christian' (the same brother you read/have notes about in the New Testament); and Jason is just my first name.

really, our true identity is that which is eternal and is determined by our place either in, or out of, the family of God. i thought about how to describe lover...Christ lover...etc, etc...and i realized, so many of those things weren't really me, because they weren't going to last. who i am as a soul, or in spirit i guess you could say - as in, the part of you that's going to continue on to either Heaven or Hell when your body dies - is what determines who i am. when i die, i won't be a tennis player, or smart, identity isn't based on characteristics, i won't be a heterosexual identity isn't based on sexuality (key point with homosexuality), and it's not based on achievements, values, likes, possessions, or anything like that. in truth, we either identify as a child of God, or not. in the family or out. because when we die, that identity WILL last - for all eternity even.

so realizing this, i decided the best way to describe myself was as a child of God. and being that i recently finished reading through Acts (which was written in Greek and thus contains many uses of the "brother" i talked about earlier), i thought it would be neat to signify that i was a 'brother in Christ', or of the church. the cherry on top being that i did so in the same language as Paul did a few thousand years ago, which i think is cool. :)

anyway, that's my story, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

i now feel informed. thank you for sharing