Friday, December 5, 2008


One of the quintessential aspects of being human is to participate in relationships, and specifically, friendships. Jesus had a lot of acquaintances, a small group of friends, and a very few who were his "true" friends. I say true, because you can have a friendly relationship with someone above the level of acquaintance, and yet they may never engage in truly loving acts towards you. The true friend, is he who sharpens you "as iron sharpens iron." This sharpening characteristic is absolutely necessary in someone you know.

What we have to remember though, is the process of iron sharpening iron is dirty, sharp, rough, hot, difficult. If you're to be made better, you cannot remain the same, and you cannot be in constant agreement with the other piece of iron. "Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults" says Socrates. Being able to enjoy and participate in a group setting with friends is great, I don't mean that we should be looking for conflict with everyone in order to call them friend. What I do mean is that your truest friend will become the one who is both friendly, and challenging. The one who asks the difficult questions out of honest respect, honest curiosity, and honest intent.

I've many friends, but I've few pieces of iron. First and foremost, I realize that Jesus is the ultimate sharpening block, that he works in my circumstances and hears my heart and is always working to make me likened to himself. But on a less divine note, I've a couple other great friends. When I think of either, I think almost immediately of how I am convicted to be a better man by what they do, before my mind is drawn to anything else. One of my friends has powerful actions. He is frank, and he will spit out his problem just as bluntly as he will turn around to fix it. I have come to respect, love, and admire this man who can be so honest, and so sincere. God has no need to arraign him with overdue judgment, for he is at the throne seeking change almost as soon as he falls.

My other friend is like a spark plug for my mind. He is a deep thinker, and an honest intellectual, yet the purpose of his life is worship of the Holy One. This friend will, from time to time, ask for my thoughts on a matter. As much as I am honored to be considered for my perspective, I am even more overjoyed because his questions always ignite some new fire within my intellect. I believe some of my greatest thoughts have come as a result of the delving into God's word that his questions require. And that too is the iron! Often I rely on what I can imagine, what my own mind tells me, but no! this is not good enough for him. If my words are not God's he wants no part of them. Thus I must truly search the word of God and bring myself before Him, and when I do this, it becomes a small matter whether I or my friend held the correct view before, because God holds the ultimate truth. Being challenged to bring my well-supported arguments before the eternally wise Father opens my eyes every time.

I could go on, of course, but it's enough to know that I've pieces of iron that God is using to make me further into His image. Friends are great, but iron is a gift that you should not get rid of. Who's the iron in your life? Who renews your desire to love God fully? Who challenges you to realize God's truth instead of your own? Who will look you in the eye and tell you that you're wrong, and then encourage and support you in doing what's right?

"No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brothers."

Find a friend who lays his life down for you, and for whom you lay your life down. THAT is love.

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